whoa thats quite the write-up, thanks for taking the time! as it will probably be for a little while, the answer to most of that is "eh, its an alpha movement demo", but its all good to keep in mind going forward. i'd like the to not to get TOO wrapped in of discussion of the many alpha foibles for that reason (though we'll be all about that sort of thing when we hit beta!) and because we prefer to keep the devlog on things we HAVE done rather than things we WILL do, but let me hit some individual ones:
1. one of the (many) game mechanics that aren't in the alpha is that once you eat bats and survive a cycle, the nest of bats that you caught them from is depleted the next round (possibly permanently?), forcing you further and further into the world to avoid starvation. the little 3 room lair area was kind of designed as "baby's first bat hunt" to let you catch some and learn the controls, but without the enforced scarcity you can just sit there camp bats of course! booooring. BUT then we could be lazy and not have to implement multiple slugcat shelters yet
per some of your later questions on it, the rain cycle in general is pretty much just a mock-up at this stage.
2-7, 20-21. yep, controls are something that we will be spending some serious time on when the world is in a more feature-complete stage. There are a few aspects where we need to make some fairly significant design decisions on, which will inform how we tailor the controls (so no use messing with them until that point), but even from the lingo people have been on us about them XD
8,9. the crawlspaces are one of those design decisions i was walking about. as its planned now, some of the more challenging subterranean regions begin to focus on a more tight crawly maze-like game play style, but until we are there and actually messing around with the creatures and geometries that we'll be using, no use in messing with it.
Only somewhat related, but worth mentioning since were on the subject: crawling will not just be for entering tunnels, but also a "stealthed" silent movement which help you avoid AI detection, letting you sneak past predators and sneak up on prey.
10. no worries on that! there are around 20 notable creatures, plus various NPCs and decorative fauna planned. (though to a degree the bleakness IS an aspect we are going for?)
12,13,15,17,19. Plenty of work to do on the Lizard behavior for sure. Though I seriously doubt Joar will EVER get them to a place that he's 100% happy with them, haha. Although I have to take some of the blame for this, as the lizard AI reacts to the room geometries, and some of these alpha rooms are asking lizards to do things that they dont like to (sloped tiles, drops that are just out of their comfort zone, etc etc), which creates weird behavior.
James & Joar - Seeing it like that (though without having played the alpha), I am curious about the "death drops" that are on some screens.
this is a good question that im kind of dealing with now. right now in the level editor we are limited to rendering rooms of 3 screen heights max. very soon Joar is going to fix that, so i think that "fall off screen" death drops will then only be in certain regions where it's called for (aerial regions, tall towers or deep pits, etc), plus perhaps the occasional scattering of them here and there just to be mean. Then we'd obviously implement death if you fall a certain distance, etc., possibly anything greater than 2 screens. BUT the point being that in most cases the traversable world will be mapped out and visible, death pits and all.